Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Soul Pancake

Dwight Schrute, our favorite cast member in The Office (at a close second is an obvious Jim Halpert) who's real name is Rainn Wilson who also starred in the movie The Rocker which was awesome and good in many ways launched a new website!!!  

SoulPancake.com... yeah!  

Soul pancake is a website that attempts to bring people together in the hopes to talk about topics such as spirituality, creativity, and philosophy.  And while there will always be that person who makes everyone else on the site mutter, "I hate these assholes" at least its better than listening to your friends complain or worrying about how much work you have to do, so go SIGN UP, it's free!! which is a nice thing to come by these days... and get deep.  You could even be that asshole!!  Believe it!!  Go signn up.

Check me out

Today in lieu of drawing/painting class with Alan Reingold we had a scavenger hunt in manhattan for 11 original paintings including Norman Rockwell, Gustav Klimt, Valazquez, N.C. Wyeth, and Bob Peak to name a few.  Winner got $100 and a set of Windsor Newton oil paint (ooo ahh) I was the go to girl for people to call when they found them all while also in it to win it myself.  Needless to say, not an easy job.  I'm still working out the winning groups which neither of them, sadly, include me.  I had good times hanging out with my friend Josh all day, so all's well that ends well.  Then I called my friend by the wrong name.  Oops.

Can't win 'em all...

BUT I do win the mustache award for the day, Check me out!!
Look familiar...?

Monday, March 9, 2009

How Design Conference

I've been getting these e-mails from Adobe telling me about these events where you learn more about existing adobe products/ get the scoop for the updates to CS4 and I really wanted to go but they were always during the week when I had class.

I found out about the How Design Conference which is in Austin, TX from June 24th- 27th.  It looks totally sweet and I really want to go.  This is the website:


I have a small number of friends that are interested in this kind of thing that live in or around Chicago.  It would be totally lame to go my myself and as much as I want to bring mom or dad along, I would much rather go with someone who actually wants to get something out of the conference too.  It's rather expensive, but you get a hefty discount if you're a student, especially if you register before April 1st.  There is still a bit of time and I'd have to plan around it with my summer work schedule, but I totally really need to go.  So if you're interested or questioning, check out the website.  I'll be here... waiting...

Waiting for my backpack/First Post

I really need to start drawing a lot, all the time.  Hopefully this blog will help me do that.  I'm just gonna blog about things I buy and draw them all in the process.  As always everything I own is awesome, so I'm sure you will enjoy viewing my newly acquired stuff.  I'm also going to write about all the new neat things I make.  If you haven't already, check out my website: www.mokuyobithreads.com.  I need to update though.  I will be adding things that I draw too and whatever else it is people blog about.  The weather?  I dunno... stay tuned.

I bought this awesome backpack last week. Still waiting though, it should get here Thursday. It's nylon and has straps for my skateboard because we all know how much I bring it everywhere with me (jokes).

I also got this sweet face mask. Too bad it's getting to be spring. All the ladies want a mustache too.

One more week of class and then home for a week.  That'll be nice.


About Me

My photo
Brooklyn, NY, United States
I am the king creator of fun. I Illustrate characters, repeat textiles, sew clothes, design bags. Welcome to my world... ★☆★ Julie.Pinzur (at) gmail (dot) com.